Meaning of a Tree – Vibrant in Life and Energy

Of Tree And Grass depicts a solitary cherry tree.

Too often, trees, the silent guardians of our planet, go neglected. They tower as pillars of solidity, the symbol of a tree. In our age, technology advances and society progresses fast. Hence, the meaning of a tree grows. Without trees, joy and relaxation deteriorates. The arboreal elders balance the ever-evolving innovation. The meaning of a … Read more

Photography and Creativity Reward One’s Frantic Life

Orange Morning Glow depicts dawn in orange colours.

Fleeting moments and distractions saturate the world. Yet, a specific medium can battle these diversions. It peers through the looking glass of imagination, turning every frame into a portal. Photography and creativity construct opportunities and tales. Against the tide of disturbances, photography emerges as a formidable force. Its inherent blend of technical skill and artistic … Read more

Forests and Woodlands – Exciting Differences to Know

Gathering Of The Birches depicts a woodland of birches.

The term for areas dominated by trees includes woodlands and forests. Trees make a region prettier. A landscape without trees looks barren and desolate. Forests and woodlands might sound similar, but they differ.The density of trees, the canopy structure, the species composition and management practices. These ecosystems vary somewhat from each other. Size and Density The size … Read more


Der Beginn meiner Baum-Kunst Reise Meine Faszination für die Baum-Kunst begann Ende 2014. Es war mehr Zufall als Planung. Ich begab mich nach Gempen, einem beschaulichen Dorf im Bezirk Dorneck. Dieser Bezirk bildet zusammen mit Thierstein das Schwarzbubenland Eng.. Ein kleines Gebiet im Nordwesten der Schweiz. Gempen hat viele Wälder, von denen die meisten Bäume … Read more

Tree Art

The Beginning of My Tree Art Journey My fascination for tree art started at the end of 2014. I did not plan tree art. It happened more as a chance event. I embarked on a journey to Gempen, a small village in the district of Dorneck. This district, along with Thierstein, makes up Schwarzbubenland. The … Read more

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