Special Editions

I participate in exhibitions and sometimes craft special editions. Those editions go beyond conventional prints. And may incorporate extras or feature prints in varying sizes. Each special edition offers a personalised experience. If you seek something exclusive, your quest concludes here.

photoSCHWEIZ shows special editions of this exhibition

photoSCHWEIZ 24

PhotoSCHWEIZ stands as the largest photography exhibition in Switzerland. Zürich hosts it on an annual basis. To get accepted, the exhibition’s curation team reviews the many applications. And it selects the most exceptional and fitting works for inclusion. Those may take the form of either commissioned or freelance work.

Thousands of visitors stroll through the exhibition and gaze at the many photographs. The subjects covered make up art, journalism, landscape, portrait, street, and wildlife.

Exhibition Special Editions

For the exhibition, I chose forests and woodlands images of trees in their autumn garment. They cover the beginning of the season to the end.

The series commences with a storm and with trees whose leaves mix with yellow shade and green shade. In ‘The Storm Within’, upheaval and unrest hold sway.

The Storm Within depicts a forest during strong winds and its change of season to autumn.
The Storm Within

‘Never Left’ shows a delicate tree’s twigs illuminated by the evening sun. And with its colours of green shade and red shade glowing in vivacity. Warmth and closeness come into play.

Never Left depicts the twigs of a tree in autumn evening light
Never Left

Concluding with a blizzard, the series marks the cessation of autumn. Red leaves of beeches cling to the trees in snowfalls’ harshness. ‘Falling Forever’ displays resilience in life’s toughness.

Falling Forever depicts a forest during snowfall at the end of autumn
Falling Forever

These special edition prints come on Aluminium Dibond in 60×40 cm.

I can sign the print if you wish. For a signed image, contact me, please.


Each print includes four magnetic business cards in 8.5×5.5 cm.

Magnetic business cards
Magnetic business cards

And also four cards in 20×10 cm.


Plus, my brochure in German, Forst Fotografie in 21×29.7 cm.


The limitation of this special edition arises due to the set being only one per print.

Get a limited edition photoSCHWEIZ print.


A local newspaper interviewed me about photoSCHWEIZ and my work.

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