Archive – Landscape Photo Prints

The charm and heart of nature lie in the art of landscape photography. You find this in my landscape photo prints in abundance. Images of vast landscapes and spectacular views feature in this genre often. The visual stories kindle emotions and the yearning for wanderlust.

Available media for all my photographs include Canson Arches Aquarelle Rag Fine Art paper and Aluminium Dibond.

Offbeat Landscape Photo Prints

One aspect of landscape photography (Wikipedia) involves exploring and documenting landscapes.
Croatian landscapes and their rugged coastlines and peaceful seascapes give ample photographic chances. Besides the coastlines, highlights inland include the Krka and Plitvice Lakes National Park. But Croatia boasts greater renown for its stunning coastlines. In summer, tourists swarm the beaches.
During my stay, the high season has concluded. I photographed seascapes and spent the most time on the coast. You find a lot of landscape photo prints of the sea.

Landscape photo prints for 'All Washed Away' await.
All Washed Away

In Norway, Denmark, and the Faroe Islands, I photographed seascapes. Many landscape photo prints of the sea await discovery.
The fjords of Norwegian landscapes and the dunes of Danish landscapes impressed me. I witnessed the Northern Lights in the Faroese landscapes

Landscape photo prints for 'Tragedy Ever After' await.
Tragedy Ever After

Light and shadow interact in their way. Weather conditions like overcast, rain, or storms give infinite possibilities.
During the golden hour, warm, soft light bathes the scenery in a magical ambience. The images taken at the time look appealing with their gentle tones and diffuse light. Yet, sunrises or sunsets and their dramatic colours also grace the scene. Or the mystical glow of moonlight.

In the high North of Europe, even more awaits. During the end and beginning of a year, polar night occurs. A polar night means the sun will not rise above the horizon. I experienced this particular time of the year in Finnish landscapes. Landscape photo prints of Finland depict the polar night with colourful skies.

Landscape photo prints for 'No Sun At Sunset' await.
No Sun At Sunset

In landscape photography, composition stays significant. The elements within the frame have to look pleasing. It strives to achieve a harmonious balance to draw the eyes of the viewer into the scene. Leading lines like rivers or paths guide the viewer through the image. The rule of thirds creates an equilibrium and visual interest. A rock formation as a foreground element gives depth to the photograph.

The allure of nature comes to fruition in landscape photography. You can discover this in landscape photo prints of Swedish landscapes. I travelled many times to this country in the high North.
When I photographed panoramas, I relied on a wide-angle lens. For more specific elements, I screwed on a telephoto lens. With both lenses, you can capture anything of interest. Endless possibilities present themselves.

Landscape photo prints for 'When Forever Is Now' await.
When Forever Is Now

How I Post-process in Landscape Photography

Post-processing grew in importance in the digital era. I use editing software. And boost the colours and contrast of an image a bit. I make an effort to keep the colours natural. Oversaturated pictures look ghastly. A top priority involves the photograph’s authenticity. The landscape’s representation has to look faithful.

Beyond the technical aspects lies the outdoors. In this style of photography, you get more involved with nature. You slow down, and the stresses of daily life vanish.
Nature is poetry, each scene a stanza in the irresistible narrative of the world around us.

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