Through Eternity


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Through Eternity

About: Media, Shipping, Returns Policy
Municipality: Meltingen
District: Thierstein
Canton: Solothurn
Country: Switzerland
Trees: European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), European beech (Fagus sylvatica), European holly (Ilex aquifolium), European silver fir (Abies alba), European spruce (Picea abies), European yew (Taxus baccata), Norway maple (Acer platanoides), Scots elm (Ulmus glabra), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Season: Autumn
Month: December
Mood: Energetic and excited
Colours: Grey, orange, white
Depiction: Upon the forested hills at sunset in autumn’s December. The setting sun spills a radiant beam from the left. The land bathes in the glorious light and warmth. A subtle sheen of haze veils the hilly terrain.
The forested hills have many layers, a distinct foreground, middle ground, and background. Every layer sucks up the touch of cascading sunlight. A magical quality imbues the land with the setting sun’s warm glow. The natural contours of the hills spellbind.
The sky has a beautiful orange colour, mirroring the terrestrial drama below. On the forested hills, the play of light mesmerises. A visual symphony in nature’s artistry begins. Through Eternity’s spellbinding aura lingers in the air.

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Canson Arches Aquarelle Rag, Aluminium Dibond


30×20 cm, 60×40 cm, 90×60 cm, 120×80 cm


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